Index-Click to Go Specific Section
2.New_Addition-Video-Series-IITD Content
3.Differential Amplifier Design Series
4.CAD of Electronics
6.Digital VLSI Design Virtual lab
Number | Name of the E-resource | Download |
1 | Online Circuit Simulator |  |
2 | Online Ng spice Simulator |  |
3 | Online net- Spice Simulator |  |
4 | Easy-EDA Simulator |  |
5 | TCaD Software for Device simulation |  |
6 | Icarus iverilog Simulator |  |
7 | Two-level (PLA) logic minimizer |  |
8 | LTspice, LTpowerCAD, LTpowerPlay, Linduino, LinearLab Tools Timing Simulation & Design, High Speed DAC Eval Systems
PScope & QuikEval Evaluation Systems, Temperature Monitoring Dust Networks Starter Kits, Dust Networks Programmer |  |
9 | - Magic, the VLSI layout editor, extraction, and DRC tool.
- XCircuit, the circuit drawing and schematic capture tool.
- IRSIM, the switch-level digital circuit simulator.
- Netgen, the circuit netlist comparison (LVS) and netlist conversion tool.
- Qrouter, the over-the-cell (sea-of-gates) detail router.
- Qflow, a complete digital synthesis design flow using open-source software and open-source standard cell libraries.
- PCB, the printed circuit board layout editor.
|  |
10 | Scilab |  |
Number | Name of the E-resource | Download |
1 | Introduction to Cadence |  |
2 | Cadence design framework |  |
3 | Design with Virtuoso schematic editor |  |
4 | Layouts |  |
5 | Virtuoso environment |  |
6 | Installation of SUSE on virtual machine |  |
7 | Installation and use of Ngspice and xcircuit |  |
8 | Schematic capture using xcircuit (1/2) |  |
9 | Schematic capture using xcircuit (2/2) |  |
10 | Circuit simulation and SPICE |  |
11 | Ngspice demo |  |
12 | NGSPICE and TinyCAD on Windows |  |
13 | NGSPICE - DC Simulation |  |
14 | NGSPICE - AC Simulation |  |
15 | Corner & Montecarlo Analysis |  |
Number | Name of the E-resource | Download |
1 | Single Stage Differential Aplifier Design(1/2) |  |
2 | Single Stage Differential Aplifier Design |  |
Sno. | Items | Downloads |
1 | LT-Spice Manual | Click |
2 | 180nm Model File | Click |
3 | Xilinx Startup | Click |
4 | Cad Lab Report Submission | Click |
Other references
Number | Experiments login Id:-eceiv2015/eceiv2015@googlegroups.com Password:- ece7201 | Manual |
 | To plot the (i) output characteristics & (ii) transfer characteristics of an n-channel and p-channel MOSFET. |  |
 | To design and plot the static (VTC) and dynamic characteristics of a digital CMOS inverter. |  |
 | To design and plot the output characteristics of a 3-inverter ring oscillator. |  |
 | To design and plot the dynamic characteristics of 2-input NAND, NOR, XOR and XNOR logic gates using CMOS technology. |  |
 | To design and plot the characteristics of a 4x1 digital multiplexer using pass transistor logic. |  |
 | To design and plot the characteristics of a positive and negative latch based on multiplexers. |  |
 | To design and plot the characteristics of a master-slave positive and negative edge triggered registers based on multiplexers. |  |