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Number                                              Name of the E-resource  Download
1Digital Integrated Circuits (2nd Edition) by Jan M. Rabaey.pdf->
2Introduction To Digital Signal Processing And Filter Design by B. A. Shenoi->
48051 Microcontrollers An Applications Based Introduction->
5A First Course in Digital Communication by Cambridge ->
6Communication Network and Communication Systems by Javier A->
7The Communication Facility Design Handbook by Jerry C Whitkar ->
8Digital Communication Over Fadding Channel by Marvin K Simon->
9Digital Communication- Fundamental and Application by Bernard Sklyar ->
10Digital Modulation Technique by Xiong->
11Digital Television System and Measurement ->
12Digital Video and Audio Broadcasting Technology by W.Fisher->
13Handbook of Antenna in Wireless System by Lal Chandra Godara ->
14Fundamental of Digital Communication by Upamanyu Madhav->
15Principles of Digital Communication Systems and Computer Network by K.V Prasad->
16MacGraw Scham OutLines Digital Signal Processing->
17Adaptive and Iterative Signal Processing in Communication Systems by Choi->
18Digital Signal Processing Filter Design by B.A Shenoi->
19Algorithm Collections for Digital Processing Application By E.S Gopi->
20An Intro to Parametric Digital Filter and Oscillators by Mikhail Cherinakov->
21Digital Image Color Processing by K.Andreas and M.Abidi->
22Digital Audio Signal Processing->
23Solution of Signal & Systems By Simon Hawkins->
24Control System Engineering Solution->
25Automatic Control System Solution By Kuo->
26Digital Integrated Circuits By Jan M. Rambeay->
27Microcontroller-Application Based Introduction->
28Digital Logic Design by Clive Woods->
29Antenna Theory- Design and Analysis by Balanis->
30A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Electronics & Computer System Architecture->
31Switching Theory-Architecture and Performance in Broadband ATM Network->
32Digital VLSI Design with Verilog->
33Digital VLSI System Design->
34Digital Design By Morris Mano->
35Principles of CMOS VLSI Design->
37Optical Fiber Communication By Kaiser->
38Optical Fiber Communication By Senior->
39Electromagnetic by Krauss Carver->
40Theoretical Characterization of CPW->
41Digital Circuit Design From VLSI Architecture to CMOS Fabrication By Habert Kaselin->
42Fundamental of Switching Theory and Logic Design by Jakko N Stall->
43Fiber Optics Communication by Govind P Agarwal->
44The Design and analysis of Parallel algorithm ->
45The Design and analysis of Parallel algorithm-II->
46Solution of Logic Design by Morris Mano ->
47Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing by Anil K Jain->
48Introduction to Digital Electronics (Crowe -Newnes, 1998) ->
49Digital modulation techniques for mobile and personal communication systems->
50Foundation of Switching Theory and Logic Design by A.K Singh->
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